Thursday, September 18, 2008


The trip to california was great! Josh had such a good time, visiting with Grandpa and Nana and all my Aunts and Uncles. He did fairly well on the plane, slept some, pooped some and played some. We thought it would be worse but he was our little angel! Josh also did well at katies wedding, he sat good in the wagon and basically looked around as he was pulled down the isle. we had a hard time of course getting him to sleep with the loud music but he got so tired he ended up just passing out. Overall, we all had a great time :)

In other news: since we have been home, Josh has been starting to roll over! from front to back and back to front! He is doing it more and more everyday! He even does it at night, I will wake up and he will be sleeping on his belly:) He is growing up so fast! anyway he is some pics from our trip.